Year: 2020

  • Popular American Slang Words and Phrases

    (To) ace (v.) (a test, exam, etc.): To pass a test, exam, etc. really easily. ex: “Robert aced his physics exam.”All-ears: When someone says “I’m all ears”, they are telling you that they are listening to you, that they are giving you their undivided attention.All-nighter (n.): A period of work…

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  • Прилагательное, параметры времени

    Прилагательное, параметры времени, … Прилагательное Old (старый) – Older (старше) – Oldest (старейший, самое старое) Than – чем He is older than you – Он старше, чем ты Beautiful (красивый) – more beautiful (более красивый) – most beautiful (самое красивое) Good (хороший) – better (than) (лучший) – (the)best (самый лучший)…

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  • Местоимение, вопросительных слов

    Местоимение, вопросительных словТаблица местоимений КТО? КОГО? КОМУ? 1 I – я ME – мне, меня 2 YOU – ты, вы YOU – тебе, тебя, тобой, вас, вам, вами 3 HE – он HIM – ему, его 4 SHE – она HER – её, ей 5 WE – мы US –…

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  • Template of Diplomatic Note

    Bangkok, 10th January 2013 Encl: 02 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Phnom Penh N° 343 IO/MFA.IC The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Kingdom of Cambodia presents its compliments to the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Phnom Penh, and in referring…

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  • Scott Adkins

    Scott Edward Adkins was born in Sutton Coldfield, England on 17 June 1976 into a family of butchers. He has Spanish descent because of his grandmother. He first became interested in martial arts at the age of ten, when he visited a local Judo club with his father and older…

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  • English Protocol Template

    Protocol Template: Systematic Review Review title: ________________________________________________________________ Background Important characteristics What are the important population and/or disease characteristics (diagnostic criteria, epidemiology, aetiology, prognosis)? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Relevance Does the review topic have important implications for health (individual and/or public), as well as health care, policy and research? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rationale Does the evidence…

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  • Example of documents

    Template of “Bussines letter”

    November 30, 20xxMr. David Kimberly Director General, Civil Aviation Government of Seychelles 10 Island View Parkway SeychellesDear David: I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you for your very active participation in our recent conference in Montreal on the “future of aviation”. The Chairman…

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  • Template of “AGENCY CONTRACT “

    AGENCY CONTRACT № Date _______, hereinafter referred to as the “TRUSTEE”, in the person of the Director ________ , on the one hand, and COMPANY in the person of the Director Mr. ________ and Finance Director T.Getts, hereinafter referred to as the “AGENT”,on the other hand, have concluded the present…

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