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  • The Prophet ‘Isa ibn Maryam

    The story of a miracle The Prophet ‘Isa was the last of the Messengers before the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace. His is a story which reveals the conquering Will of Allah, His absolute Power and His fine Wisdom. Everything about ‘Isa is a miracle.…

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  • About The Prophets Ayyub and Yunus

    The story of Ayyub The story of the Prophet Ayyub in the Qur’an shows another aspect of the blessing of Allah to His believing slaves who remain patient and thankful, and to His beloved Prophets. Ayyub had many animals, flocks and fields, and fine sons, with all of whom he…

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  • All about The Prophet Salih

    After the ‘Ad The people of Thamud were the heirs to the ‘Ad as they were the heirs to the community of Nuh. The Thamud followed after the ‘Ad as the ‘Ad had followed after Nuh. The land of Thamud was also a beautiful green land of gardens with running…

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  • Interview: The Experience of a Russian-American Family

    Interview: The Experience of a Russian-American Family An American, Jeanine, who was graduated from a university in Ohio, went to Leningrad to work in the American consulate. That was eight years ago, and since then a lot has happened. She fell in love with a Muscovite, Andrei, moved to Moscow,…

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  • Interview with Andrei Nakov about Malevich

    Interview with Andrei Nakov about Malevich Way back when I was starting to study the history of art in Paris, I said to my professor that I was much taken with twentieth century painting. He looked at me disapprovingly and asked, “Do you want to become a serious art expert…

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  • Interview with Viktoria Fyodorova

    Interview with Viktoria Fyodorova Viktoria Fyodorova arrived in Moscow. She went to see her old friends, strolled about a city that is now totally foreign to her, visited her mother’s grave. The daughter of a movie star of the 30s and 40s and of an American officer (he paid for…

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  • Interview with Mikhail Shvidkoi, Chairman of VGTRK

    Interview with Mikhail Shvidkoi, Chairman of VGTRK How do you explain the decline in the ratings of the news program” Vesti?”That’s partially due to seasonal factors, and in part it’s due to alack of funds. You can’t do TV without money. We’ve managed for ayear, and now we’re starting to…

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  • Intervention at a Meeting of the Directors of World Bank and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

    Finding resources to finance development has always been a difficult problem, especially during the last few years, when there was the beginning of a trend towards a decline in official development assistance and a reduction in voluntary contributions to the operational activities of the UN, accompanied by a decline in…

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  • V.I. Resin, First Deputy Premier, Moscow City Administration Russian-American Investment Symposium, 1999

    V.I. Resin, First Deputy Premier, Moscow City Administration Russian-American Investment Symposium, 1999 (Harvard University, Boston, USA) Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Distinguished colleagues, Attracting foreign capital and investments is one of the major areas of our municipal investment policy. This has become particularly important due to the recent economic problems resulting…

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  • On the Development of Women’s Medium and Small-scale Business in Kazakhstan (UN, 1997)

    Madam Chairwoman, In our country there are 8.5 million women who account for 51.38 per cent of the total population. In all as of January I, I996, 49% of the women were employed. It should be recalled that the employment rate for women in the Republic of Kazakhstan is relatively…

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  • The Status of Women: National Plans of Action (1998)

    The Status of Women: National Plans of Action (1998) Mr. Chairman, What is» contained in the Platform of Action of the Beijing Conference, namely the recommendation to adopt as soon as possible national plans of action to improve the status of women, has the approval of the Russian Federation, where…

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  • National Experience with Population Issues (UN, 1998)

    Population issues are one of the most important priorities of the government of the Russian Federation, since in recent years the demographic situation in our country has been in a state of crisis. The major factors are: the deterioration of health and an unprecedented rise in the mortality of the…

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  • Representative of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan on the Environment (UN, 1997)

    Mr. President, Allow me also to congratulate you on your election to this important post and to express my confidence that your extensive professional and personal experience, together with your great diplomatic skill will advance creative dialogue and fruitful discussions, leading to specific measures and recommendations to achieve the ambitious…

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  • Premier V.S. Chernomyrdin, Statement at the 19th Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Environmental Protection, 1997

    Premier V.S. Chernomyrdin, Statement at the 19th Special Session of the UN General Assembly on Environmental Protection, 1997 Mr. President, First of all, Mr. President, we should like to extend our congra­tulations on your election to this important post. The Russian delegation shares the general desire for a productive session…

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  • Interview with Professor Sergei Mironov

    — Sergei Pavlovich, where are most of your patients coming from? Athletes… Ballet performers… circus performers. Differentkinds of people with different lives and different injuries. During theyears of its existence our clinic has treated Maya Plisetskaya andValery Kharlamov, Vladimir Vasiliev and Olga Korbut…We’ve seennearly all the players of the USSR…

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  • The Problem of Drugs (UN, 1996)

    The Problem of Drugs (UN, 1996) Mr. Chairman, The Russian Federation finds good grounds for our discussion today of international cooperation in the war on drugs. Drug addiction today is among the most terrible social ills on our planet. Drug abuse and the illegal drug trade represent a serious threat…

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  • Health and Space (UN, 1986)

    Health and Space (UN, 1986) In my presentation today I would like to draw your attention to the question of what space nights can teach us — and in particular lengthy flights — on deepening and expanding our medical knowledge about human beings. Nature is not only around us, but…

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  • International Cooperation for the Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes (UN, 1995)

    International Cooperation for the Use of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes (UN, 1995) Mr. Chairman, We have no doubt that the Committee on outer space, if given the appropriate authority, fulfills a need of the international community. It has a reliable system of values, extensive experience in dialogue, and an…

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  • Disarmament: Statement by the Delegate of Kazakhstan (UN, 1999)

    Disarmament: Statement by the Delegate of Kazakhstan (UN, 1999) Mr. Chairman, Allow me to associate myself with the congratulations extended to you on your election to the important post of Chairman of the third session of the Preparatory Committee for the Year 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the…

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  • Nuclear Terrorism (UN, 1999)

    Nuclear Terrorism (UN, 1999) Mr. Chairman, Allow me at the outset to express our great satisfaction at seeing you continue to chair our committee. The Russian delegation deeply appreciates the efforts you are making to produce new effective international instruments, including those designed to ,com’6at terrorism. On behalf of the…

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  • Protection of the Civilian Population in Armed Conflicts (UN, 1998)

    Protection of the Civilian Population in Armed Conflicts (UN, 1998) Mr. Chairman, Despite the efforts of the international community to avert armed conflicts and to minimize their consequences for the civilian population, such conflicts continue to cause the deaths of thousands of these civilians. These include a considerable number of…

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  • Speech by E.A. Shevardnadze, Harvard University, 1991

    Speech by E.A. Shevardnadze, Harvard University, 1991 То feel confident in a world in which the role of nuclear weapons will be diminished, we need to know how to protect ourselves from nuclear terrorism. Currently there are highly accurate non-nuclear weapons, which through surgical strikes have the capability of thwarting…

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  • Statement by Evgeny Primakov to the UN General Assembly (1997)

    Statement by Evgeny Primakov to the UN General Assembly (1997) Mr. President, Allow me to most sincerely congratulate you, a representative of Ukraine, with which we have friendly relations, on your election to this important and distinguished post. We are certain that under your presidency the General Assembly will be…

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  • On Non-selfgoverning Territories (UN, 1999)

    On Non-selfgoverning Territories (UN, 1999) (Текст читается с американским акцентом) Mr President, First of all I would like once again to thank the organizers of the seminar, namely the permanent representative of St Lucia, for the hospitality and superb organization shown us at this important meeting As regards our view…

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  • About English language

    English is a Germanic Language of the Indo-European Family. It is the second most spoken language in the world. It is estimated that there are 300 million native speakers and 300 million who use English as a second language and a further 100 million use it as a foreign language.…

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  • Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot

    Ezra Pound (1885-1972) Ezra Pound was one of the most influential American poets of this century. From 1908 to 1920, he resided in London, where he associated with many writers, including William Butler Yeats, for whom he worked as a secretary, and T.S. Eliot, whose Waste Land he drastically edited…

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  • Modern Poetry (Imagism)

    Imagism flourished in Britain and in the United States for a brief period that is generally considered to be somewhere between 1909 and 1917. As part of the modernist movement, away from the sentimentality and moralizing tone of nineteenth-century Victorian poetry, imagist poets looked to many sources to help them…

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  • The Emergence of Modernist Literature (Modern Poetry)

    Many historians have characterized the period between the two world wars as the United States’ traumatic “coming of age,” despite the fact that U.S. direct involvement was relatively brief (1917-1918) and its casualties many fewer than those of its European allies and foes. John Dos Passos expressed America’s postwar disillusionment…

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  • Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945)

    Theodore Dreiser (1871-1945) was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, and baptized as Herman Theodore Dreiser. He was the ninth of ten surviving children (three others died as infants) of Säräh Schanab and Johann Dreiser. Dreiser’s childhood coincided with the family’s hard times. Consequently, his earliest memories included the joblessness of…

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  • Jack London (John Griffith Chaney. 1876-1916)

    Jack London, whose life symbolized the power of will, was the most successful writer in America in the early 20th Century. His vigorous stories of men and animals against the environment, and survival against hardships were drawn mainly from his own experience. An illegitimate child, London passed his childhood in…

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