Year: 2020

  • Classes of adjectives

    According to the meaning and grammatical charac­teristics adjectives fall into two classes: 1) qualitative adjectives, and 2) relative adjectives.Qualitative adjectives denote such properties as size, colour, physical or mental qualities, etc. which a living being or an object, etc. may possess in various degrees and thus their amount or quantity…

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  • Adjective definition in english

    AdjectiveDefinitionThe adjective is a part of speech which denotes the property of substance. This is the nominative class of words though functionally limited as compared with nouns. This means that adjectives are not supposed to name objects: they can only describe them in terms of the material they are made…

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  • Article determination of certain noun groups

    Article determination of certain noun groupsSome English nouns present special difficulties in the use of articles. Here are 5 groups of them.a) Morning, day, afternoon, evening, night. With regard to meaning and syntactic position the nouns can be determined by the zero (no article), definite and indefinite article.No article is…

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  • Definite article: usage

    The definite article whose function is that of iden­tification or individualization of living beings, things, or notions, may refer to any noun of any class both in the singular and plural. The individual description of co­untable/uncountable, animate/inanimate and human/ non-human nouns with reference to the definite article is unnecessary because…

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  • Definition and Functions of article

    Article DefinitionThe article is a specific class of words that determine or specify nouns in the most general way. Therefore, the article is the main formal feature characteristic of the noun. Note that in the British tradition, alongside with pronouns and numerals used attributively, articles are regarded as determiners. (See…

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  • The category of Case

    The category of Case shows the relations of living beings, things or notions denoted by nouns to other living beings, things and notions. In English this category is characterized by the opposition of the categorial forms of the Common Case (общий падеж) and the Possessive or Genitive Case (притяжательный падеж).…

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  • The category of Number

    This category is constituted by the opposition of the plural form of the noun and its singular form. The plural categorial form is the strong or marked member of the . opposition for it bears the formal mark of the category — the suffix -(e)s. It correlates with the categorial…

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  • The Last Leaf – Part one

    The Last Leaf (By O’ Henry), Part one Sue often met Johnsy in a little café on the East Side of New York, where the two girls came for lunch almost every day. Johnsy was small and quiet, with big blue eyes and light hair. Sue was dark and bigger…

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  • THE LAST LEAF -Part two

    THE LAST LEAFPart two(By O’ Henry) When Behrman was a young man, he decided to become a great artist. For forty years he tried, but he did not even become a good artist. Now he was more than sixty. Sometimes he sold his paintings, but he never had any money,…

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  • The Love Drug (by O’ Henry)

    Jim, a young car-driver was a boarder at old Riddle’s. He was in love with Rosy, Mr. Riddle’s only daughter and Rosy was in love with him. They wanted to get married, but Mr. Riddle expected his daughter to marry a rich man. And Jim was going to have a…

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  • William Sydney Porter

    O’ Henry O’ Henry, whose real name was William Sydney Porter, was American short-story teller. He was born in Greensboro a little town in North Carolina, in 1862. His mother died when he was three. His aunt had a private school, and encouraged him to read. He read a lot…

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  • Rendering of the contextual meaning of the definite and indefinite articles

    Rendering of the contextual meaning of the definite and indefinite articles Most researchers do not pay enough attention to the translation of the articles. But nevertheless some of them (I.V.Korunets, V.I.Karaban) [28,39] consider that when rendering the lexical meaning of the definite and indefinite articles into Ukrainian one should consider…

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  • Lexico-grammatical aspects of translation of the definite and indefinite articles

    Lexico-grammatical aspects of translation of the definite and indefinite articles Prior to a concrete detailed analyses of ways and methods of rendering English articles into Ukrainian it is very important to mention the category of Definiteness and Indefiniteness as it can give a considerable semantic shade of meaning. 2.1 The Category…

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  • Omission of the article

    Omission of the article Sometimes the article is not used where we naturally expect to find it in accordance with the rules. No change of meaning is observed in these cases. The article is often omitted in newspaper headings, telegrams, in stage directions. Gas Blast Kills Woman. (Dally Worker) Girl…

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  • The use of the definite article

    The use of the definite article Class nouns are used with the definite article: 1. When the noun denotes an object or objects which the speaker singles out from all the objects of a given class. An object is singled out in the following cases: (a) when the speaker and…

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  • The use of the indefinite article

    The use of the indefinite article Class nouns are used with the indefinite article: 1. When the speaker presents the object expressed by the noun as belonging to a certain class. In this case the indefinite article has the meaning of ‘какой-нибудь, какой-то, один’ (in the meaning of ‘некий’). She…

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  • The functions of articles

    The functions of articles The use of the the Indefinite Article 1. With countable nouns, both concrete and abstract, the indefinite article is used when we want to name an object (thing, person, animal, abstract notion), to state what kind of object is meant: e.g. He gave her a cigarette…

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  • Article determination

    Article determination The Article is a determining unit of a specific nature accompanying the noun in communicative collocation. Its special character is clearly seen against the background of determining words of half-notional semantics [50, c. 179]. Whereas the function of the determiners such as this, any, some is to explicitly…

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  • The historical development of the English articles. The definite article

    The historical development of the English articles. The definite article The infinitive in Northumbrian often loses its final -n and ends in -a: drinca ‘drink’, sinza ‘sing’. The 1st person singular present indicative ends in -u, -o (for West-Saxon -e): ic drincu ‘I drink’, ic sinzo ‘I sing’. The 2nd…

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  • Article as a part of speech.

    Article as a part of speech. Theoretical and practical aspects 1.1 Definition The issues relevant to the nature of the English article have been the focus of attention of early descriptive English Grammar books since the 16th century and it is intensively studied nowadays. In the 16th -18th centuries the…

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  • Palatal Mutation

    Palatal Mutation The OE tendency to positional vowel change is most apparent in the process termed “mutation”. Mutation is the change of one vowel to another through the influence of a vowel in the succeeding syllable. This kind of change occurred in PG when [e] was raised to [i] and…

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  • Development of Diphthongs

    Development of Diphthongs The PG diphthongs (or sequences of monophthongs) [ei, ai, iu, eu, au] — uderwent regular independent changes in Early OE; they took place in all phonetic conditions irrespective of environment. The diphthongs with i-glide were monophthongised into [i:] and [a:], respectively; the diphthongs in u-glide were reflected_a&_long__diphthongs…

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    OLD ENGLISH PHONETICS OE is so far removed from Mod E that one may take it for an entirely different language; this is largely due to the peculiarities of its pronunciation. The survey of OE phonetics deals with word accentuation, the systems of vowels and consonants and their origins. The…

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    HISTORICAL BACKGROUND OF THE HISTORY OF ENGLISH Pre-Roman Britain Man lived in what we now call the British Isles long before it broke away from the continent of Europe, long before the great seas covered the land bridge that is now known as the English Channel, that body of water…

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  • Grammar in Rhyme

    Three little words you often see, Are Articles A, An and The. A Noun is the name of anything, As School, or Garden, Hoop, or Swing. Adjectives tell the kind of Noun, As Great, Small, Pretty, White, or Brown. Instead of Adjectives the Pronouns stand, Her head, His face, Your…

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  • Surah At-Takwir (the Overthrowing) 81

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  • DOCTOR MARIGOLD by Charles Dickens(read and download)

    Charles Dickens. DOCTOR MARIGOLDI am a Cheap Jack, and my own father’s name was Willum Marigold. It wasin his lifetime supposed by some that his name was William, but my ownfather always consistently said, No, it was Willum. On which point Icontent myself with looking at the argument this way:…

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  • A HOUSE TO LET by Charles Dickens (read and download)

    A HOUSE TO LET by Charles DickensContents:Over the Way The Manchester Marriage Going into Society Three Evenings in the House Trottle’s Report Let at LastOVER THE WAYI had been living at Tunbridge Wells and nowhere else, going on for ten years, when my medical man–very clever in his profession, and…

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  • OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck (read online)

    OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck ONE A few miles south of Soledad, the Salinas River drops in close to the hillside bank and runs deep and green. The water is warm too, for it has slipped twinkling over the yellow sands in the sunlight before reaching the narrow…

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  • Lady into fox by David Garnett (read online)

    David Garnett. Lady into foxWonderfulor supernatural events are not so uncommon, rather they are irregular in their incidence. Thus there may be not one marvel to speak of in a century, and then often enough comes a plentiful crop of them; monsters of all sorts swarm suddenly upon the earth,…

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