English Tests

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36 How modal verbs can form past tense?

+Only two modal verbs can form the past by changing their forms directly.

Only three modal verbs can form the past by changing their forms directly.

Only two modal verbs can form the past by not changing their forms directly.

Only two modal verbs cannot form the past by changing their forms directly.

37 Which modal verbs can form past tense?

+They are CAN, COULD and WILL, WOULD (only in some of their meanings).

They are not CAN, COULD and WILL, WOULD (only in some of their meanings).

They are CAN, and WILL, (only in some of their meanings).

They are not CAN, and WILL, (only in some of their meanings).

38 Do modal verbs have future tense?

+Modal verbs do not have the future tense form.

Modal verbs do not have the past tense form.

Modal verbs have the future tense form.

Modal verbs do not have the future present form.

39 How are modal verbs MAY and MIGHT used?

+The verbs MAY and MIGHT are used mostly as separate modal verbs.

The verbs MAY and MIGHT are not used mostly as separate modal verbs.

The verbs MAY and MIGHT are used mostly to join modal verbs.

The verbs MAY and MIGHT are used mostly as separate simple verbs.

40 In which cases is modal verb MIGHT used instead MAY?

+MIGHT is generally used instead of MAY in cases where the rules of the sequence of tenses require the use of the past tense form of the verb.

MIGHT is not generally used instead of MAY in cases where the rules of the sequence of tenses require the use of the past tense form of the verb.

MIGHT is generally used instead of MAY in cases where the rules of the sequence of tenses don’t require the use of the past tense form of the verb.

MIGHT is generally used instead of MAY in cases where the rules of the sequence of tenses require the use of the past tense form of the noun.

41 Modal verbs take the infinitive:

+Without the particle “to”.

With the particle “to”.

Without the particle “do”.

With the particle “do”.

42 How many parts does modal verb OUGHT TO have?

+The modal verb OUGHT TO consists of two parts: “ought” and “to”.

The modal verb OUGHT TO consists of three parts: “ought”, “do” and “to”.

The modal verb OUGHT TO has not any parts.

The modal verb OUGHT TO consists of one part: “ought” and.

43 How many forms do the modal verb CAN have?

++The modal verb can has two forms: Сan for the Present Indefinite could for the Past Tense.

The modal verb can has two forms: Can for the Past Indefinite could for the Present Tense.

The modal verb can has two forms: Сan for the Present Indefinite can for the Past Tense.

The modal verb can has three forms: Сan for the Present Indefinite could for the Past Tense.

44 The expression to be able has:

+Some meaning can be used to supply the missing forms of the verb can.

Some meaning cannot be used to supply the missing forms of the verb can.

Some meaning can be used to supply the missing forms of the verb could.

Some meaning couldn’t be used to supply the missing forms of the verb can.

45 The modal verb can is used to express: I can swim very well.





46 The modal verb can is used to express: We can go to the seaside at last. Our holidays start next week.





47 The modal verb can is used to express: It can be John. He has blond hair and he is wearing glasses.





48 The modal verb can is used to express: Why not? You can marry her. She is a nice girl.





49 In this sentence the modal verb May is used to express: May I smoke here? – No, you can’t, I’m sorry.





50 In this sentence the modal verb May is used to express: They may call tomorrow. I hope so.





What is numeral?

+Numeral is a part of speech which includes words denoting number

  1. Numeral is a part of speech which includes words denoting subject
  2. Numeral is a part of speech which includes words denoting adverb
  3. Numeral is a part of speech which includes words denoting noun
  4. Numeral is a part of speech which includes words denoting pronoun

How many groups are numerals divided into?

+Cardinal numerals, ordinal numerals

  1. Superlative numerals, comparative numerals
  2. Compound numerals, simple numerals
  3. Ordinal numerals, derivative numerals
  4. Cardinal numerals, simple numerals

What are cardinal numerals used in?

+ In counting

  1. In writing
  2. In spelling
  3. In reading
  4. In watching

What question do cardinal numerals answer?

+How many?

  1. How old?
  2. How well?
  3. How?
  4. How long?

What function are cardinal numerals used in sentences?

+Subject, object, attribute, predicative, adverbial modifier

  1. Noun, attribute, subject
  2. Object, predicate, verb, conjunction
  3. There is no function in sentences
  4. Predicate, adverb, preposition

Which numerals are formed with the help of the suffix –teen?

+From 13 up to 19

  1. From 10 up to 15
  2. From 20 up to 30
  3. From 10 up to 90
  4. They don’t take suffix

The cardinal numerals indicating-нишон медиҳанд tens-даҳиҳо are formed by means of the suffix:

+ –ty

  1. –ly
  2. –teen
  3. –ing
  4. –tion

The numerals hundred, thousand, million, don’t take the inflexion –s:

+When another numeral stands before it

  1. When there is no numeral
  2. When another numeral doesn’t stand before it
  3. These numerals always take the inflexion –s
  4. All variants are right

When do the numerals hundred, thousand, million take the inflexion –s?

+When they express the indefinite number of hundreds, thousands, millions

  1. When they don’t express the indefinite number of hundreds, thousands, millions
  2. There is no inflexion in these numerals
  3. These numerals don’t take the inflexion –s
  4. All variants are right

In what numerals is the conjunction and used?

+Compound numerals

  1. Simple numerals
  2. Derivative numerals
  3. Composite numerals
  4. We don’t use conjunction in numerals

What is ordinal numeral?

+Ordinal numeral denotes the position or order of person

  1. Ordinal numeral denotes the position
  2. Ordinal numeral denotes time
  3. Ordinal numeral denotes person
  4. Ordinal numeral denotes nothing

Ordinal numerals answer the question:


  1. When?
  2. How many?
  3. How much?
  4. Where?

Most of the ordinal numerals are formed from cardinal numerals by means of suffix:


  1. –ly
  2. –teen
  3. –ing
  4. –tion

With what are ordinal numerals usually used?

+Ordinal numerals are usually used with the definite article

  1. Ordinal numerals are usually used with the indefinite article
  2. Ordinal numerals are usually don’t used articles
  3. Ordinal numerals are usually used with the both articles
  4. There is no right answer

What is adverb?

+The adverb is a part of speech which expresses some circumstances that attend an action or state

  1. The adverb is not a part of speech which expresses some circumstances that attend an action or state
  2. The adverb is a part of numeral which expresses some circumstances that attend an action or state
  3. The adverb is a part of speech which doesn’t expresse some circumstances that attend an action or state
  4. The adverb is a part of speech which expresses some circumstances that doesn’t attend an action or state
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