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What kind of verb is “to be”?

+“To be” is the most common verb in the English language.

“To be” is the most separate verb in the English language.

“To be” is the most compound verb in the English language.

“To be” is the most modal verb in the English language.

2 Verb “to be” can be used as:

+An auxiliary or a main verb

Negative or interrogative sentence

Simple or derivative word

There is no correct answer

3 The verb “be” is used:

+ To join a subject with a word or words that tell something about the subject

To join a predicate with a word or words that tell something about the subject

To join a subject with a word or words that tell something about the object

To join a subject with a word or sentences that tell something about the subject

4 What kind of verb is verb “to be”?

+The verb to be is the most irregular verb in the English language.

The verb to be is the most regular verb in the English language.

The verb to be is the most derivative verb in the English language.

The verb to be is the most negative verb in the English language.

5 What is verb “to be”?

+It is normally a linking verb showing existence or the condition of the subject.

It is normally a transitive verb showing existence or the condition of the subject.

It is normally a linking verb showing existence or the condition of the predicate.

It is normally a linking verb showing existence or the condition of the attribute.

6 The past tense of “to be” is used to:

+To join a subject with a word or words that tell something about the subject that happened in the past.

To join a subject with a word or words that tell something about the subject that happened in the future.

To join a predicate with a word or words that tell something about the subject that happened in the past.

To join a subject with a word or words that tell something about the subject that happened in the present.

7 What kind of words do we often use when something happened in the past?

+We often use words such as “yesterday” or phrases such as “last week” or “last year” to indicate when something happened in the past.

We often use words such as “today” or phrases such as “next week” or “next year” to indicate when something happened in the past.

We often use words such as “yesterday” or phrases such as “last week” or “last year” to indicate when something happened in the present.

We often use words such as “right now” or phrases such as “now” or “by now” to indicate when something happened in the past.

8 When do we use the verb “was”?

+We use the verb “was” when pronoun or noun is singular.

We use the verb “was” when pronoun or noun is plural.

We use the verb “was” when pronoun or noun is simple.

We use the verb “was” when pronoun or noun is compound.

9 When do we use the verb “were”?

+We use the verb “were” when pronoun or noun is plural.

We use the verb “was” when pronoun or noun is plural.

We use the verb “were” when pronoun or noun is singular.

We use the verb “were” when pronoun or noun is simple.

10 Which pronoun do we always use with verb “were”?

+We always use the pronoun “you” with verb “were”.

We always use the pronoun “you” with verb “was”.

We always use the pronoun “I” with verb “were”.

We always use the pronoun “She” with verb “were”.

11 What is notional verb?

+Notional verbs are those which have a full meaning of their own.

Notional verbs are those which have not a full meaning of their own.

Notional verbs are those which have a less meaning of their own.

Notional verbs are those which have a full not meaning of their own.

12 Notional verbs can be used:

+Without any additional words as a simple predicate.

With any additional words as a simple predicate.

Without any additional words as a simple subject.

Without any additional words as a simple object.

13 Here belong some notional verbs as:

+To write, to speak, to read, to know, etc.

Am, is, are, was, were.

Do, did, done

Will, shall, would, should, etc.

14 What is auxiliary or helping verb?

+Auxiliary or helping verbs are those which have lost their meaning and are used only as form-words, thus having only a grammatical function.

Auxiliary or helping verbs are those which have not lost their meaning and are used only as form-words, thus having only a grammatical function.

Auxiliary or helping verbs are those which have their meaning and are used only as form-words, thus having only a grammatical function.

Auxiliary or helping verbs are those which have lost their meaning and are used only as form-words, thus not having only a grammatical function.

15 What function do auxiliary or helping verbs have?

+They have only a grammatical function, such as be, have, do, did, shall, will, should or would that combines with a verb to modify its meaning.

They don’t have a grammatical function, such as be, have, do, did, shall, will, should or would that combines with a verb to modify its meaning.

They have only a grammatical function, such as be, have, do, did, shall, will, should or would that doesn’t combine with a verb to modify its meaning.

They have only a grammatical function, such as be, have, do, did, shall, will, should or would that combines with a verb not to modify its meaning.

16 What is compound verb?

++Compound verb is the combination of an auxiliary verb and another verb.

Compound verb is not the combination of an auxiliary verb and another verb.

Compound verb is the combination of an derivative verb and compound verb.

Compound verb is the combination of an auxiliary verb and helping verb.

17 Compound verbs are used to:

+Create verb tenses that cannot be made from single verbs.

Create verb tenses that can be made from single verbs.

Create verb tenses that cannot be made from plural verbs.

Create verb tenses that can be made from simple verbs.

18 What is modal verb?

+Modal verbs express ability, necessity, obligation, duty, request, permission, advice, desire, probability, possibility.

Modal verbs don’t express ability, necessity, obligation, duty, request, permission, advice, desire, probability, possibility.

Modal verbs express person, number and tense.

Modal verbs never express ability, necessity, obligation, duty, request, permission, advice.

19 What do modal verbs express?

+Modal verbs express the speaker’s attitude to the action indicated by the main verb.

Modal verbs express the listener’s attitude to the action indicated by the main verb.

Modal verbs don’t express the speaker’s attitude to the action indicated by the main verb.

Modal verbs express the reader’s attitude to the action indicated by the main verb.

20 What does modal verb express in this sentence? She can drive.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses ability.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong necessity.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses advice.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses request.

21 What does modal verb express in this sentence? I must go.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses ability.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong necessity.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses advice.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses request.

22 What does modal verb express in this sentence? You should call him.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses ability.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong necessity.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses advice.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses request.

23 What does modal verb express in this sentence? Could you help me with this report, please?

Modal verb in this sentence expresses ability.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong necessity.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses advice.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses request.

24 What does modal verb express in this sentence? You may stay here.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses permission.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses desire.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses possibility.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong probability.

25 What does modal verb express in this sentence? I would like to see her.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses permission.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses desire.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses possibility.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong probability.

26 What does modal verb express in this sentence? He might leave soon.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses permission.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses desire.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses possibility.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong probability.

27 What does modal verb express in this sentence? He must be at the tennis club now.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses permission.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses desire.

Modal verb in this sentence expresses possibility.

+Modal verb in this sentence expresses strong probability.

28 What are modal verbs also called?

+Modal verbs are also called modal auxiliaries or modals.

Modal verbs are not also called modal auxiliaries or modals.

Modal verbs are also called modal derivative or modals.

Modal verbs are also called modal compound or modals.

29 What are modal verbs sometimes called?

+Modal verbs are sometimes called defective verbs.

Modal verbs are not sometimes called defective verbs.

Modal verbs are sometimes called defective sentences.

Modal verbs are sometimes called simple verbs.

30 Why are modal verbs sometimes called defective?

+Because they do not have all the functions of main verbs.

Because they have all the functions of main verbs.

Because they do not have all the functions of auxiliary verbs.

Because they do not have all the functions of regular verbs.

31 What can’t be modal verbs used without?

+Modal verbs can’t be used without a main verb.

Modal verbs can be used without a main verb.

Modal verbs can’t be used with a main verb.

Modal verbs can be used without a main verb.

32 What can’t modal verbs form?

+Modal verbs can’t form gerunds or participles.

Modal verbs can form gerunds or participles.

Modal verbs can’t form negative or interrogative.

Modal verbs could form gerunds or participles.

33 Do modal verbs have any endings?

+Modal verbs do not have any endings to show person, number, or tense.

Modal verbs have any endings to show person, number, or tense.

Modal verbs do not have any endings to show person, mood, or voice.

Modal verbs have many endings to show person, number, or tense.

34 How do modal verbs form questions?

+Modal verbs form questions without the help of the other auxiliary verbs.

Modal verbs don’t form questions without the help of the other auxiliary verbs.

Modal verbs form questions with the help of the other auxiliary verbs.

Modal verbs form questions without the help of compound verbs.

35 How do we express the future tense of modal verbs?

+The future is expressed by the present tense forms with the help of the context and adverbs of time referring to the future.

The future is not expressed by the present tense forms with the help of the context and adverbs of time referring to the future.

The future is expressed by the present tense forms without the help of the context and adverbs of time referring to the future.

The future is expressed by the present tense forms with the help of the context and adverbs of time referring to the past.

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