Month: December 2020

  • Classes of adjectives

    According to the meaning and grammatical charac­teristics adjectives fall into two classes: 1) qualitative adjectives, and 2) relative adjectives. Qualitative adjectives denote such properties as size, colour, physical or mental qualities, etc. which a living being or an object, etc. may possess in various degrees and thus their amount or…

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  • Adjective definition in english

    Adjective Definition The adjective is a part of speech which denotes the property of substance. This is the nominative class of words though functionally limited as compared with nouns. This means that adjectives are not supposed to name objects: they can only describe them in terms of the material they…

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  • Article determination of certain noun groups

    Article determination of certain noun groups Some English nouns present special difficulties in the use of articles. Here are 5 groups of them. a) Morning, day, afternoon, evening, night. With regard to meaning and syntactic position the nouns can be determined by the zero (no article), definite and indefinite article.…

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  • Definite article: usage

    The definite article whose function is that of iden­tification or individualization of living beings, things, or notions, may refer to any noun of any class both in the singular and plural. The individual description of co­untable/uncountable, animate/inanimate and human/ non-human nouns with reference to the definite article is unnecessary because…

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  • Definition and Functions of article

    Article Definition The article is a specific class of words that determine or specify nouns in the most general way. Therefore, the article is the main formal feature characteristic of the noun. Note that in the British tradition, alongside with pronouns and numerals used attributively, articles are regarded as determiners.…

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  • The category of Case

    The category of Case shows the relations of living beings, things or notions denoted by nouns to other living beings, things and notions. In English this category is characterized by the opposition of the categorial forms of the Common Case (общий падеж) and the Possessive or Genitive Case (притяжательный падеж).…

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  • The category of Number

    This category is constituted by the opposition of the plural form of the noun and its singular form. The plural categorial form is the strong or marked member of the . opposition for it bears the formal mark of the category — the suffix -(e)s. It correlates with the categorial…

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