Year: 2018

  • Outwitted

    We were all very excited. This holiday was to be spent in Dindigul where Grandpa had decided to settle down, because the climate there was good for people with weak lungs. His doctor had said that the damp sea air of Madras would not suit Grandpa any more. Dindigul is…

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  • At The Party

    “I won’t, I won’t, I won’t. He’s a greedy glutton and I won’t take him to the party,” said Leeladidi* stamping her feet as she stormed out of the room. But she didn’t forget to hit me hard on the head with her knuckles when she swept past me. I…

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  • Hanuman And I

    Preparations had begun for our school annual day. Two plays were to be staged. The senior section was to enact ‘Merchant of Venice’ and the junior section, ‘The Story of Rama’. I was hoping with all my heart that the drama teacher would include me in die cast. I had…

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  • Varunkaka’s Lemonade Pals

    Not that I didn’t like my Uncle Varun. I was just a bit cross with him. Vanmkaka* that’s what I call him, is my father’s youngest cousin. He trained as a veterinary surgeon and went abroad for higher studies. On his return from America, Varunkaka accepted a post at the…

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  • The Unforgettable Journey

    I jumped into the first coach of the train. My friends, Raman and Shyam, followed me into the compartment. I heaved a sigh of relief, when I saw they were safe. But the relief was shortlived. For, I was shocked to see Mr. Khanna, a Travelling Ticket Examiner, enter the…

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  • The Pink Card

    Ponni sat on the footpath in front of Berywood Girls Primary School. She sold knick-knacks for little girls. Besides pencils, rubbers, sharpners, rulers, shoelaces and ribbons, she had colourful sweets and pretty trinkets too. All these were spread out in front of her on a piece of gunny. The school…

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  • All Because Of My Hair

    “You good for nothing fellow!” one slap. “You naughty boy!” another slap. “You rascal!” a shower of slaps. I could see stars dancing at midday! The portraits of Kabir, Ghalib and Einstein hanging on the wall started swinging. I lost count of the slaps raining down on my clean shaven…

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  • In A Guava Orchard

    Safdar, Ajay and I dashed out of the classroom as the bell rang. It was the lunch break, and we had a whole hour to play. Safdar was the tallest, also the strongest amongst us. He was our leader. Ajay and I followed him meekly, like lambs! We frisked about…

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  • Christmas Bells

    Once again, father was transferred. This time to the sleepy town of Palai in Kerala. On arrival at Palai, we moved into a house, surrounded by banana trees, beds of tapioca, roses and chrysanthemums. Bordering them were a dozen coconut palms, reaching out to the stars in the sky. I…

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  • The Goose Thieves

    It was Bina who first got wind of what was happening. She happened to be passing the school kitchen where they cooked meals for the nuns and boarders. George, the school-bus driver, was lounging around talking to the cooks inside. Bina, who was looking for some botanical specimens in the…

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  • The Turkish Cap

    The school bell rang. Recess at last! We rushed out of the classroom. I took the ‘gulli ° out of my satchel before I ran out. Khushal took the ‘ clan da and followed me. Panna, Raghu- bir, Brijpal, Prakash, Kaushal, Bishen, Nityanand, all dashed out, followed by others. We…

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  • The Triumphant Smile

    Humayun lay in a coma. His father Babar stood beside his bed, sad and worried. The Chief Vizier and the nobles crowded behind him. The queen with tears in her eyes begged of the emperor, “Save Humayun’s life, my Lord”. In between sobs she said again, “Save my son from…

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  • To The Memory Of A Lion

    Tanaji Malusare was Shivaji’s childhood friend and companion at arms. He was very brave and daring. Shivaji proudly called him his Sivnha or Lion. Tanaji had planned and fought many a battle by the side of his leader. They were determined to free their land from Mughal domination. Tanaji lived…

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  • When Papa Scolded Me

    “Baby, come for breakfast. Your milk is getting cold,” called Bhaiya, my elder brother. I quickly put on my slippers, picked up my favourite doll, Beeta, and rushed out into the verandah. It was a beautiful day. The morning air was most refreshing. “Ah, how lovely!” I said aloud, taking…

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  • English Stories and books

    Man Overboard (short English story)

    I stood on the deck of S.S. Rajula. As she slowly moved out of Madras harbour, I waved to my grandparents till I could see them no more. I was thrilled to be on board a ship. It was a new experience for me. “Are you travelling alone?” asked the…

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  • Popular American Slang Words and Phrases

    (To) ace (v.) (a test, exam, etc.): To pass a test, exam, etc. really easily. ex: “Robert aced his physics exam.” All-ears: When someone says “I’m all ears”, they are telling you that they are listening to you, that they are giving you their undivided attention. All-nighter (n.): A period…

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  • Example Cover letter (docx)

    Cover Letter My name is Muhabatsho Qobilov. I was born in 1985 in the East of Tajikistan. I finished school in Rushan (my native town) and then I moved in Khorog. I am a five year was student of Khorog State University, faculty of history and law, department of the…

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  • British and American Families

    British and American Families British and American families are small. In fact the populations of both Britain and the USA have stopped growing. The typical family has a father, mother and two children. Grandparents come to visit, but do not usually live with their children. Most people get married between…

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  • Early childhood development

    Добавил Rafa Setting off for college is a comment on for guardians and adolescents alike. There are a great deal of things to think about the cabin,trade schools in houston educational cost expense, books, stipend and significantly more. On account of these, it will be an uncommon choice to make. It…

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